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    Type 8022 - Flow transmitter / Pulse divider

    Product Image Type 8022

    The depiction of the products may differ from the actual specific design.

    Please consider the technical attributes and Data Sheets.

    Type Description

    The electronic module Type 8022 operates either as a flow transmitter (only with pulse sensors "Low Power" variant Type 8020, 8030 (SE30+S030), SE30+S077) or as a pulse divider (with all sensor variants Type 8020, 8030 (SE30+S030), SE30+S077). The module operates the output of the sensors, displays the flow rate and outputs it in mA or as a pulse at the signal output. When used as a flow transmitter, the frequency signal of the sensor is converted into a 4…20 mA signal (2-wire operation). When used as a pulse divider, the input frequency is converted into an adjustable output frequency. Use of the operating unit enables switching between the two operating modes.

    • 2-wire operation (4…20 mA) / 3-wire operation (NPN/PNP)
    • Pluggable to flow sensors 8020, 8030 (SE30+S030), SE30+S077
    • Removable operating unit

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Type 8022 data sheet | Flow transmitter/pulse divider 646.3 kB EN / EU
    DTS Typ 8022 Datenblatt | Durchflusstransmitter/Impulsteiler 657.5 kB DE / DE
    DTS Type 8022 fiche technique | Transmetteur de débit/diviseur d'impulsions 657.1 kB FR / FR

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 8022 | Flow transmitter / Pulsedivider 3.7 MB EN / EU
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 8022 | Durchflusstransmitter / Impulsteiler 3.7 MB DE / DE
    MAN Manuel d'utilisation Type 8022 | Transmetteur de débit / Diviseur d'impulsion 3.7 MB FR / FR

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 28.6 kB EN,FR,DE